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RGW by Janine Weidel.png

R. Gordon Wasson


Born in 1898 in the USA, RGW studied at the London School of Economics & Political Science and at Columbia University's School of Journalism. 

He covered Wall St. for the New York Herald before eventually becoming the VP of Public Relations with J.P. Morgan & Co. 

At the time of his death in 1986, he was the leading authority on the role of mushrooms in society. 

He donated his research collection to Harvard University.  The rights to his works, letters and photographs remain with his family estate.

Honors & Citations

His Works

About RGW: About

Photo used with permission from Janine Wiedel

About RGW: Text

Honors & Citations

Botanical Museum of Harvard University

Honorary Research Fellow

The New York Botanical Museum

Honorary Research Associate & Life Member of the Board of Managers

The Linnean Society of London


About RGW: List

Sarah Gildersleeve

Fife Bowl

Awarded for their book, Mushrooms, Russia and History to Valentina P. Wasson & R. Gordon Wasson, 1957

The Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris

Named Correspondant by unanimous vote of the Assemblee des Professeurs
Dec. 19, 1957

New York Botanical Gardens

Distinguished Service Award
awarded to Valentina P. Wasson & R. Gordon Wasson for "Outstanding contributions to the advancement of Horticulture and Botany", May 22, 1958

About RGW: List

Joseph Pulitzer
(Administered by Columbia University)

Travelling Scholarship winner, 1920
First recipient

Bridgeport University
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Doctor of Science, honoris causa
Spring 1974

Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University

Addison Emery Verrill Medal, 1983

About RGW: List
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